European Southern Observatory (ESO)European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE) Observatoire de ParisInstitut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides (IMCCE)Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic The Venus Transit 2004 European Science & Technology Week 2004Visit the websites of the VT-2004 organisers

The Venus Transit 2004

... Logo and Poster Files


Use of the VT-2004 Logo and Poster

This page provides access to the VT-2004 logo and poster files for selected educational institutions that are associated with this project.

Please note that in order to use the logo, you must first register your interest with the VT-2004 project . You may use the logo at your website and related educational materials, etc., as soon as you have received official confirmation from the organisers of your participation.

We suggest that you provide a direct link from the VT-2004 logo - where it appears at your website - to the main VT-2004 site at:

The use of the VT-2004 logo by the participating institutions serves the unique purpose of demonstrating that they are part of the wide network of educational institutions which has been set up on this occasion in order to make the public and the media aware of the Venus Transit event and to promote the associated activities.

Note, in particular, that the use of the logo by the participating institutions does not imply any formal obligations whatsoever by the organisers of the VT-2004 programme towards these institutions, not does it imply that the organisers are in any way responsible for the content and format of the educational material, webpages, texts, images etc. produced by the participating organisations and in which the VT-2004 logo is displayed.

Logo files

Poster files